Juan Villegas

Medellin, Colombia

So great to read how informative this podcast was for you Nancy! Yes, COVID was definitely a game changer, on the other hand, a better reason to practice and share the teachings of Yoga. I think everyday more and more people could benefit from this amazing healing system. 

oh that is so great that you listen to that Podcast Felicity! Glad you enjoyed this practice and that you are feeling inspired!!!

Replied on Yin for Digestion

Mar 11 at 12:43 PM

Glad you enjoyed it Sarah!!

Mar 11 at 11:24 AM

Glad you enjoyed it Bonnie!

So great to hear Ilena!!


I love pre-recorded classes for that reason, one can learn so much!! 

Mar 11 at 11:20 AM

so glad it was what you needed Anne-Marie!!

Replied on Om Mani Pade Hum

Mar 10 at 10:47 AM

Christina, Mark is such a great singer!


Mar 07 at 11:40 AM

Thank you for practicing with us Christina!! 

So great these poses were very beneficial to you Richard! 
