Mark Atherton

Bogota, Colombia

It sometimes just takes time Christina and is so very different for everyone. My best piece of advice would to be to find a style of meditation you enjoy doing, for an amount of time that's manageable in your day and to make it as much a part of your routine as you can. For me, I love to wake up early, drink my coffee and read a little, and then meditate before I do anything else....that way no matter how my day goes I will have meditated! :). 


Replied on Om Mani Pade Hum

Apr 03 at 05:09 AM

Thank you!


Thank you! I love it when the ideas start blooming! :)


My pleasure! Thanks for joining me!

Replied on Self-Care Hip Hatha

Apr 03 at 05:08 AM

So glad you found this class helpful! :)

Apr 03 at 05:07 AM

Welcome Anika!

Apr 02 at 09:47 AM

Cheryl Gubernt Thank you! That's so lovely to read and I'm so happy we we're able to connect on this journey! :)

Apr 02 at 06:47 AM

Hi Cheryl! The music we use in classes is music we've bought from various places over the years and I can remember any websites off the top of my head it's been so long! :)  For your own teaching, some yoga studios have licenses that allow the teachers to play music from streaming platforms so it's worth looking into if there is any set up at the place you are teaching. Thanks!

Thanks for practicing with us Yvonne!

That's so wonderful to know you have a practice you keep coming back too! :)
