Brenda Garcia

Queretaro, Mexico

Commented on I Am Meditation

Aug 16 at 06:21 PM

Beautiful meditation… and a lovely way to remember and connect with our true self…❤️

Thank you Mark!🙏🏼 

Commented on Yin for Hips

Aug 10 at 04:58 PM

So nourishing for my hips! Thank you Andrea! 🙂☀️

Gilbert, Thank you for this powerful practice!  I enjoyed it so much and loooved that you shared some of your favorite books from Baptiste! "Perfeclty Imperfect" is now in my "to read" books!!  ;)  THANK YOU!

Gilbert, thank you! Loooved this slow sequence. My back and sides of body feel alive and stretched! My first class under your guidance. So happy! 😉

Salla, have a good one also! 😉

Aug 03 at 11:47 AM

Feeling good and strong after this ‘firey’ practice!! 😉 thanks joanna! I Loved the sequence! 🙏🏼

Thank you Salla! I enjoyed this morning practice. Nice stretching and Heart openings 💖

Answering your question, YES! I would definitely like to have more practices like this! Slow and mindful practices that give me the opportunity to be conscious of my body, movement and breath. Thank you! 

Jul 26 at 07:24 AM

Gracias Juan! Feeling a strong  and happy upper back! I’m grateful 🙏🏼☀️

My hips and lower back thank you for this grounding and mindful practice.🙏🏼

I turned on some relaxing music as you suggested. I really enjoyed being at the poses with presence and at the same time enjoying a moment  of peace and solitude ❤️🙂 thank you Mark. 

Lovely meditation Suzi. Thank you! Self-caring and loving 🥰.

I joined -live- yesterday morning, but didn’t know where to write a comment to thank you. Blessings!