Deborah Tudor

Evans, GA, United States

Three points of trouble for me, but good trouble since it is going to cause me to dig deeper. First, the lunge with one arm up and other arm on the back of the opposite thigh, gazing toward the raised overhead hand was a fantastic variation and I would love to see more of this pose in future vinyasas. Second, salabasana, locust pose, with arms by sides, palms down then the next steps sequenced nicely to place hands under pelvis. Lowering the pelvis onto the entire wrists, hand and forearm HURT my wrists and I found it difficult, but possible to modify. This tells me that I need more wrist rotation work. I hope you will add wrist work into future sequences. Oh, the third challenging point was when we finally got to Wild Thing, I had difficulty slowing it down to match the pace of the cueing, due to the mechanics of the flip. As I had no way to see the video from where I was in the pose.. and I would be "off" the cueing, it confused me, but I watched video a few times and solved it.

Fantastic detailing through the flow. I was pulled along one bone and muscle at a time, understanding the unified connection of the whole. So far, I am on my third repeat!! (Not all on same day!)

Jul 15 at 08:59 AM

Andrea has beautiful vocal tone, pace and enunciation skills! This is such a delightful analogy about the tree in the forest. Poetically powerful! Because I instruct new moms in the morning classes I teach, this script has now become my go to meditation during the Savasana section. Thank you! :-)

Commented on I Am Meditation

Jul 15 at 06:40 AM

Thank you, Mark! :-) such a valuable addition to our training.

 Class begins at 3:51, so fast forward to that I found the practice a dynamic and engaging experience. Juan always delivers informative and mesmerizing guidance pulling me totally into the present moment. As a Pilates instructor, I am always searching for his Pilates classes and am so thankful he has the depth and understanding to build my skill set higher, leading me to be a better instructor. 

Mark has wonderful mastery of his voice, which makes the guidance sound soothing and unforced. Flowing in and out as the sequence unfolds, this practice built deeper awareness of my inner life and the infinite connectedness that I seek to tap into.

Thank you, Joanna! So good to learn more about this topic. I consider my yoga teaching a "Hobby" that almost pays for itself. But it would be awesome if I could turn it into a "real" business, one that actually earns a profit!

With child care, pet care, householding, and my paying job, I can only teach yoga a few hours a week, for if I am teaching too many classes, I suffer in my practice, self-care, sleep, etc.

Maybe others can relate to my main "dilemma" which is I do love sharing yoga with the locals up close and personal, so I book my teachings at community centers, local gyms, and small studios. Much of my time is spent driving hither and yon, and the pay is minimal at best. But the appreciation and social payoff is HIGH! Quite a few places (more than I can teach) request me to please do a class or a session and I'm a substitute teacher for several instructors. I like "saving" a class from being canceled. Again, following my heart and not my "business head". 

Jul 07 at 10:29 AM

This was a quite powerful practice, and I've repeated it twice more already, as I've marked it as one of my favorites!

Commented on Power Flow Vinyasa

Jul 04 at 11:04 AM

Delightful recommendation! Glad I choose to follow the suggestion to do this one! Strength was flowing into my body throughout Sharon’s harmonious guidance. Crisp & clear, pure pleasure to practice here.

Jul 04 at 08:06 AM

OK, while waiting for the LIVE session to "iron out the tech problems", I'll put your suggestion into practice! Thank you! :-)