
Commented on Happiness Meditation

Oct 02 at 01:21 PM

Thank you Andrea for a beautiful loving kindness meditation.  


Commented on Quick Calm Meditation

Sep 28 at 08:55 PM

Thank you very much Salla, Namaste

I loved this calming meditation and will come back to it again.  

Commented on Letting Go Meditation

Sep 27 at 07:50 PM

Thank you Juan for the beautiful meditation and words of wisdom.  Namaste 

Sep 26 at 08:19 PM

Thank you Nancy, Namaste 

This meditation was exactly what i needed.  I am experiencing new sensations in my body as I enter into premenopausal stage of life, and I don't like it!  This beautiful meditation allowed me to sit with these sensations and look at them from a observation lens allowing acceptance and gratitude for my body and this stage of life.     


Commented on Mindful Meditation

Sep 25 at 07:07 PM

Thank you Mark, Namaste 

I really enjoyed the way you guided this practice, your voice has a calming effect which allowed me to connect with the sounds around me with love, compassion, and patience.