Sandra Genua

Commented on Quick Calm Meditation

Nov 30 at 08:54 AM

Hi Sally. I enjoyed being still while the busyness of everything else took precedence outside of me. 

Nov 30 at 08:41 AM

I loved the ambience of the forest greenery, the seemingly endless pathway and the soundscape all directed by your assuring voice. I was able to surrender to my heart and my mind.

Nov 30 at 08:14 AM

Thank-you for this lovely meditation, Nicole. I really need to work on the active listening element.

Commented on Balloon Meditation

Nov 30 at 08:00 AM

In experiencing this practice I tried to put my daily challenges into the symbolic balloon as if I could house them there and set them aflight to clear some space for positive new energies and perspective.

Commented on Time Out Meditation

Nov 30 at 07:41 AM

I felt a smile on my face Salla when you mentioned how the pelvis is without a brain:)  Thank-you for this gentle, soothing place of reprieve.

Nov 29 at 05:41 AM

I am truly inspired, Joanna. Thank you for guiding such a pure and compassionate practice.

Commented on Yoga Nidra

Nov 22 at 12:11 PM

Super calming practice. Thank-you, Angela.

Commented on Kundalini Yoga

Nov 16 at 09:46 AM

I have learned so much here with you today, Emily! Truly enjoyed the asanas bridged with breath work and chants. Thank-you

Nov 16 at 08:57 AM

I can close my eyes and feel my breath soften, evenly flowing from both nostrils with Angela’s assuring voice and guidance.

Nov 10 at 02:20 PM

Igniting the breath in this way, helps me to actualize the muscles and organs which are working simultaneously in the core region.Â