Sandra Genua

Nov 10 at 02:10 PM

I find alternate breathing practice always calms the entire me. Thank-you for this, Nancy!

Commented on Move & Breathe Vinyasa

Nov 04 at 08:51 AM

Wow! The vinyasa sequences, the vista, and music! Of course, your gentle affirming voice guiding us to inlhale and exhale made all the difference, Juan. I could feel the momentum building with each movement warmth surrounding me, blood flowing, joints and muscles softening, and the richening of my smooth consistent breath. The turning point and finale, a well-deserved calming of breath with Shavasana. Greatly enjoyed this, thank-you! 

Nov 04 at 04:29 AM

Hi Angela I found these breathing practices to be very revealing. Gets me thinking it may be time to tap back into an Ayurveda assessment of my dominant attributes as they may have changed over time. This practice is helpful in identifying and teaching which breath work practices are safe and appropriate for a variety of students. In knowing their experiential effects this helps me to plan for aiding pregnant, aging and those living with a variety of health conditions, to choose breath practices accordingly. Thank-you!

Commented on Breath & Body Hatha

Nov 02 at 05:35 AM

I find that thirty minutes is all that's really needed to find where my body requires realignment. In this practice I was able to pinpoint areas that require keen synchronicities of pranayama and asana. I am re-familiarizing how softening and healing unify & work. This informs my personal growth as well as prepares me to better teach those carving in valuable time for much needed self-care.. Thank-you Nancy!

Commented on Moving Pranayama

Nov 02 at 03:44 AM

Hi Tammy! Thank you for this Pranayama class. I am currently enrolled in Juan's Anatomy of Breath work class where I have found this practice. I find these gentle movements elicit a calming energy throughout the body where the breath is simultaneously and consciously activated leaving me feeling less stressed and ready to face the day. I shall return to this, as it definitely is helping to remind me to breathe into muscles, joints and fascia (to name a few) and more importantly - move how my body needs to.