
Jan 30 at 01:41 AM

Fantastic! Welcome Daniel!


Commented on Morning Hatha

Jan 30 at 01:40 AM

Ahhh that was ace Gilbert, thank you! I tuned into your podcast episode last week and today, during this practice my neighbours were playing some really great music. I thought to myself, I wonder if Gilbert would choose this sort of music for his classes? As you can tell, I feel totally energised and refreshed after that. Thanks again and have a brilliant day.

Commented on Kapha Pacifying Flow

Jan 29 at 03:04 AM

That was so much fun! I loved the Twisted Eagle. A super energising but grounding morning class. Thank you Juan Villegas

Hi Colleen - thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Malasana is such a versatile Asana, I love to hear it was a yummy pose for you too. Have a great day.

So pleased you enjoyed the setting. It’s a lovely cosy studio in the North of Scotland. Have a wonderful day and thank you for joining the class.


Commented on Heart Chakra Vinyasa

Jan 28 at 01:38 AM

Thank you Joanna - I adored this class. Thank you for offering the time to tune in. More was revealed for me today. Love but also some grief. This class was a beautiful reminder that we can be many things at once. Grateful for your caring approach to the practice. Have a wonderful day.

Commented on Tri Dosha Hatha

Jan 27 at 01:55 AM

Thank you Angela Inglis - that was just delicious! I loved having the time to catch the pauses between breaths. A really nourishing holistic tune in. Exactly what I needed. So grateful for your wisdom. Have a great day.

Thank you so much for joining and for sharing that the massage technique was supportive. I personally find it very useful too. Have a brilliant day.

A joy to practice with you. Have a wonderful week.


Thank you for joining. Have a beautiful weekend.