Juan Villegas

Medellin, Colombia

Amazing that this practice will be helping you in your own practice and teaching Daniella!! Thank you!!

Replied on Om Mani Pade Hum

Aug 05 at 09:08 AM

Thank you!!!

Yay Deborah, so great you enjoyed it!

yay Susan!! so great to hear you notice an improvement in your posture and so happy to hear you will be returning to this practice!! 

Aug 05 at 09:05 AM

So amazing Shamieka. I hope you enjoy our platform and welcome to our community! 


Aug 05 at 09:04 AM

Thank you for practicing with us Wei Zhang!!

Hi Daniella, so happy to hear the props helped to enhance the practice!! 

So great you enjoyed this practice with Gilbert, Brenda!!!


So happy you enjoyed this one Jason!!!
