Juan Villegas

Medellin, Colombia

Feb 16 at 07:48 AM

Hi Jennifer, glad you enjoyed this practice by Nancy!

Feb 15 at 09:07 AM

Thank you Lin, glad you practiced with it! 


Replied on Heart Hatha

Feb 15 at 09:06 AM

I love that Leanne, thank you for sharing and for practicing with Andrea! 

Yay, so glad you enjoyed it Monica!!!


Feb 13 at 12:41 PM

Thank you Clare!

Feb 13 at 12:41 PM

Thank you Craig! So glad you connected with this practice!!

Feb 13 at 05:23 AM

So great you enjoyed Jo's class, Jacquia!!

Hi Christina, Lion's breath is a great practice, it releases tension in the face, throat, and chest, which then might help ease stress and anxiety. Deep exhalations through the mouth can help clear stale air from the lungs, which then can help promote better respiratory function. It is also energizing and personally I think it also helps with getting out of the box (because it could be seen as a weird thing to do) and we get of our comfort zones which is good to do a regular basis too. I hope this helps!


Glad this class was beneficial for your hips Louisa!!!
