Juan Villegas

Medellin, Colombia

Replied on Hatha for Joints

Jul 18 at 03:06 PM

yay!! so great you enjoyed it Mercedes! 


Hi Wai-Ling, I also thought the same thing when I saw how Salla dealt with her dogs. She did it beautifully and I am so happy this class helped you to get rid of some tension. 

Jul 17 at 11:35 AM

Hope you had a great sleep Jamie!!! 

Amazing David!! Glad you practiced with Gilbert!

yay!! so great you enjoyed it Magdalena!!

Jul 16 at 02:25 PM

oh glad you enjoyed it Tina! Thank you for practicing with us! 

Hi Jenifer, glad you practiced with this meditation! Suzi is such a wonderful guide!

Glad you enjoyed it Genevieve!

Replied on Warrior 1

Jul 16 at 02:22 PM

Hi Rebecca, the technology is not there quite yet to be able for the captioning to register different accents and Sanskrit words. But we are hoping to be able to add closed captioning in the future.