Mark Atherton

Bogota, Colombia

Replied on Govinda Jaya

Sep 26 at 04:59 AM

Thanks Jodie!!!!!!

Yay! That's so wonderful to read! Thanks for being part of the practice!
You're welcome! Thanks so much for attending! :)
I'm so happy to read that!!! Thanks for being part of it!!!!
Thank you for joining!!! :)
Glad it came back!
Thanks! Yes, a gentler kind of hatha go to style! :)

Replied on Om Hari Om

Sep 25 at 05:17 AM

Thanks Alison!!! I recorded these so long ago that I sometimes forget they exist!

Replied on Calming Restorative

Sep 25 at 05:16 AM

Hi Nicole! I'm not a post-natal teacher so my first suggestion would be to find a local (or online) post-natal teacher or group as you may discover lots of great ideas from people in the know :) You could also watch a few different restorative yoga classes we have here and make notes of which poses might work well for you and create you own unique sequence :)

Replied on Intro to Chanting

Sep 22 at 08:34 AM

Thanks so much Alison! I hope you find a way to sneak a little more singing into your day!