Mark Atherton

Bogota, Colombia

Dana! Yes, you should be able to click on any of the videos in the above playlist...but if that's not showing for you let me know! :)

Ah I'm so happy you enjoyed this Salla! Much needed after all the travel we've done! :)


Commented on PowerFlow Challenge

May 02 at 01:07 PM

This is the perfect time of year for some energizing and motivating practices! Can't wait! :)


Replied on Om Hari Om

May 02 at 08:53 AM

aww thanks!!!!!!!!! :)


Apr 25 at 03:54 AM

Welcome Marina!!


Apr 24 at 08:32 AM

Thanks Derek! I'm so happy you enjoyed this practice with Angela!!!!

Apr 17 at 06:38 AM

Thanks Jennifer!! :)

Hello! I hope everyone enjoyed Day 1 practice yesterday (Pranayama & Meditation with Angela!). Today Day 2 is one of my favorite practices, Alternate Nostril Breathing with Nancy. :)


Cozy and calming is a wonderful feeling to have for a practice! 


Apr 16 at 08:12 AM

Thanks for practicing with me Ashwini!