

September 20 — 25, 2024


The Fall Yoga Challenge
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  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 25, 2023

Hello CommUNITY!

I hope you're all having a great day and finding some time for some self-care.

In today's post, let's dive into the wonderful world of mobility, and how it can greatly benefit our health and wellness journeys.

Mobility exercises are not just for professional athletes or bodybuilders—they are beneficial for everyone, especially those who practice yoga. They can help improve your flexibility, enhance your overall movement patterns, and prevent injuries.

Why is mobility important? By focusing on mobility exercises, we can increase our range of motion, activate dormant muscles, improve posture, and even relieve tension in our bodies. Incorporating these exercises into our daily routine will allow us to move with ease and experience a sense of freedom both on and off the yoga mat.

This wonderful Joint Freeing practice with Nancy is a fabulous way to incorporate a short mobility routine into your daily life!

Wishing you all well!


Joint Freeing Hatha

Prepare your body for practice with Nancy in this short and...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
November 15, 2023

Hello CommUNITY!

Your hips are the powerhouse of movement and flexibility. So, let's give them the love and attention they deserve! 💕

Yoga is an incredible tool to enhance hip mobility, reduce stiffness, and alleviate discomfort. This Tensegrity for Hip Health class with Angela is a wonderful way to care for your hips. 🧘🧘‍♂️ With its slow movements and mindful attention, this class is a great addition to your other self-care practices.



Tensegrity For Hip Health

Care for your hips with Angela in this Tensegrity for Hip...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 11, 2023

Hello Fantastic CommUNITY!

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a deeply immersive meditation technique that promotes relaxation by taking you into a state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. It's like giving your body and mind a much-needed rejuvenation session!

I personally find Yoga Nidra to be an incredibly calming and inspiring practice that helps me release tension and reconnect with myself. The guided meditation allows me to delve into a state of deep relaxation while still remaining alert and aware.

For those who have tried Yoga Nidra, what are some of the positive effects you have experienced? Has it helped improve your overall well-being or manage stress?

If you haven't tried Yoga Nidra yet but feel intrigued after reading about it, take this as an encouraging invitation to explore it further. The practice shared here is led by Angela Inglis and it's an incredible guided journey that you will be sure to come back to time and time again!

Happy resting!


Forest Journey Yoga Nidra

Get ready to rest and rejuvenate with this journey through...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
November 01, 2023

Ready to sink into a world of deep relaxation and flexibility? Say hello to Yin Yoga! 🌙✨

In Yin Yoga, we hold gentle poses for longer periods, targeting deep tissues and promoting relaxation. It's a practice that invites you to slow down, listen to your body, and find stillness in the chaos of life.

Benefits? 🌟 ✅ Improved flexibility ✅ Stress reduction ✅ Enhanced mindfulness ✅ Better circulation ✅ A chance to recharge body & mind

Ready to give it a try? Roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and let Yin Yoga work its magic. Your body and soul will thank you! 🙏💫

This class with Andrea is a great way to begin cultivating a Yin Yoga practice from the comfort of your home!


Yin for Hips

A special Yin Yoga class designed by Andrea to release...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 16, 2023
• Edited (Oct 16, 2023)
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 04, 2023

Hello Wonderful CommUNITY! 💫 Need some help with your hip mobility and stability? Look no further than our newest class Hatha for Hips with Gilbert! 🧘‍♀️✨

Explore the transformative power of this great practice as it encourages you to be fully present in the moment, soothing both mind and body. 😌

This class was filmed in the lush valley of Buen Genio in Antioquia, Colombia and we hope you enjoy this dreamy background to practice with.

Please note: It's always important to listen to your body and honor its limits during any yoga practice. Feel free to modify any pose or take breaks whenever necessary – remember, this is YOUR journey. 🌟


Hatha For Hips

Join Gilbert for a Hatha class that focuses on stabilizing the...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
September 20, 2023

Hey Beautiful Community!

Let's take a moment to relax and find our inner calm in this wonderful community of yoga practitioners, wellness enthusiasts, and people interested in mindfulness!

We believe that practicing yoga isn't just about physical exercise, but also about nurturing your mind, body, and soul. So we welcome you to this calm, peaceful, and inspiring space.

Whether it's a meditation technique that brings you clarity or a post-yoga ritual that helps you reset and recharge, or just sharing how you are feeing today, we want to hear about it and this IS the place to do it!   

Let's support each other on this journey toward improved health, well-being and a greater consciousness.

Remember to keep this space positive and judgment-free - let's uplift and motivate one another!

Take a deep breath...and let's break the ice by sharing your go-to yoga flow or wellness practice! 🧘‍♀️✨


Welcome to Your Yoga Flow S...

Welcome to Your Yoga Flow Studio. Luca takes you on a quick...
  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
September 21, 2023

Hello Lovelies!

As the Autumn Equinox approaches, it's an ideal time to embrace the season and reflect on our practice.

For many of us, autumn brings a tranquil and serene energy that perfectly aligns with our yoga journey. The changing leaves and crisp air seem to coax us into a state of peacefulness and revitalization.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting your yoga path, I invite you to share in the beauty of the Autumn Equinox together. Let's use this opportunity to connect with one another, inspire each other, and deepen our yoga practice.

How does the transition from summer to fall affect your practice? Do you find yourself craving grounding poses like balasana (Child's Pose) or focusing on balance postures like vrksasana (Tree Pose) to restore harmony as nature shifts around us?

Let's discuss how incorporating elements of nature into our yoga practice during this equinox can help us embrace calmness, introspection, and adaptability – much like the changing seasons themselves.

Share any inspiring rituals or practices you have experienced during this time of year. Maybe you find solace in outdoor sessions surrounded by autumn foliage, or maybe you incorporate gratitude journaling into your practice.

Whatever it may be, let's celebrate the autumn equinox through intention-setting, breath-work exercises, or inspirational readings – something that resonates deeply within our hearts and souls.

By coming together as a community, yoga practitioners, we can support each other and encourage personal growth as we deep dive into our yoga journeys during this special season.

So dear yogis, how do you plan to honour the upcoming autumn equinox on your mat? Let's uplift each other with calming words and insightful experiences that will motivate us in every savasana shared under cozy fall blankets.


  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 16, 2023

A snippet of knowledge as you begin your week...

The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to simply as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic, Mahabharata. This sacred text, written in Sanskrit and dating back to around 5,000 years ago, is a dialogue between the prince Arjuna and the god Krishna, who serves as his charioteer.

Context and Setting

The Bhagavad Gita's setting is the battlefield of Kurukshetra, located in modern-day Haryana, India. As the great Mahabharata war is about to begin between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, Arjuna, one of the Pandava princes, experiences a profound moral and emotional crisis. He is deeply conflicted about fighting in the war, which would involve killing relatives, revered elders, and close friends.

In this moment of despair, Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom to Arjuna, addressing his doubts and guiding him towards a deeper understanding of duty, righteousness, and the nature of reality.

Key Themes of the Bhagavad Gita

1. Dharma (Duty and Righteousness): One of the core teachings of the Gita is the concept of Dharma or one's duty. Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duty as a warrior without attachment to the results, emphasizing selfless action.

2. Yoga (Union): The Gita outlines different paths of yoga or spiritual practices, such as Jnana Yoga (path of knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion), and Karma Yoga (path of selfless action). These paths are tools for individuals to realize their true nature and unite with the divine.

3. Atman (Soul) and Brahman (Ultimate Reality): Krishna explains the eternal and indestructible nature of the soul (Atman) and how it is distinct from the physical body. He further delves into the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality or the cosmic force behind all existence.

4. Detachment and Selflessness: Krishna teaches Arjuna about Nishkama Karma, which is performing one's duty without any expectation of rewards or outcomes. This detachment from results leads to inner peace and self-realization.

Significance of the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, while deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy, offers universal lessons that resonate with people across various cultural, religious, and philosophical backgrounds. Its teachings on the nature of life, the purpose of existence, and the way to lead a righteous life have inspired countless individuals, including prominent figures like Mahatma Gandhi, who considered the Gita as his "spiritual dictionary."

Furthermore, the Gita has been translated into numerous languages and has been the subject of extensive commentaries by scholars, mystics, and philosophers over the centuries.

The Bhagavad Gita is not just a religious text, but a spiritual guide that addresses fundamental human concerns about life, duty, morality, and the nature of existence. Its timeless wisdom provides insights into leading a balanced life, understanding one's purpose, and connecting with the deeper aspects of the self. Whether one approaches it as a philosophical text, a spiritual guide, or a work of literature, the Gita's profound teachings continue to inspire and enlighten people around the world.

  in  🫶 youryogaflowcommunity
October 18, 2023

Hello CommUNITY!

Today let's talk about the Power of Pilates!

Pilates, with its emphasis on controlled movements and core strength, is not only a great addition to your movement routine but can also provide numerous other benefits for your body and mind. The practice helps to improve posture, flexibility, and overall muscular strength, making it an ideal complement to our beloved yoga practice.

One of the things I find most captivating about Pilates is how motivational it can be. The precision required in each movement requires a focused mindset that allows you to leave any stress outside the studio (or home studio space!) and helps you find a serene and calmer state of mind. 

Do you practice Pilates alongside your yoga practices? How has it impacted your wellness journey?

Here's one of our most loved Pilates classes with Juan Villegas !


Energizing Pilates

A fun sequence that incorporates breath with movement. Juan...