Lin Lee

Commented on Evening Hatha

Feb 22 at 01:00 PM

Great class for unwinding. Thank you Ally!

Commented on Gentle Evening Hatha

Feb 21 at 01:16 PM

Thank you Kate, for this gentle, soothing class. I enjoyed it lots.

Thank you for this amazing class, Mark! It was slow but challenging. Not easy for me to slow things down deliberately!

Thank you for this grounding class, Salla. I loved how you kept reminding us of our foundations. It wasn’t easy for me to slow down but the breath helped a lot!

Feb 15 at 01:17 PM

Thank you for this beautiful centring practice, Mark.

Feb 15 at 02:23 AM

Thank you for this beautiful short meditation. 

Feb 14 at 08:13 AM

I’m enjoying this week’s practices and falling asleep lots! 😆

Feb 14 at 01:34 AM

Hello Monica, 

I'm pretty new here and it's lovely to be on this beautiful journey with you too. 

I think if you set the time zone to Portugal's in your account, under Profile, then the time that you see should be Portugal time. 

Hope this helps (and hope I'm correct!). 


Feb 13 at 08:45 AM

So relaxing that I fell asleep. Thank you for the great session!

(By the way , I could only reply to your post but not post a comment separately. It said ‘Record not found ‘?)

Feb 12 at 09:18 AM

I had a fantastic Day 1 practice with Joanna. Soothing and calming class and I felt so much better. Thank you!
