Angela Millar

Johannesburg, South Africa

Mother, yogi, runner, florist…

Apr 10 at 11:49 PM

Wonderful! Thanks for the reminder to incorporate more Pilates into my practice, I really enjoy it!

That was lovely, thank you. Except it’s official… frog and I will never be friends 🫣

Apr 08 at 09:05 PM

Thank you for this. I’ve been practicing asana for many years, but as I become more aware of all the benefits of yoga (not just the physical ones) I find myself consciously bringing it into my daily life in many different ways, whether I make it onto my mat or not 🙏🏼

Commented on Kapha Pacifying Flow

Apr 07 at 12:48 AM

That was fun, thank you! Arm balance not happening for me today but had fun trying! Loved the twisted eagle, never done that before! Namaste 🙏🏼

Apr 05 at 11:55 PM

Love this theatre analogy, so helpful. Definitely going to use it going forward, thank you 🙏🏼

Commented on Padmasana Flow

Apr 05 at 11:43 PM

Absolutely loved that. The progression was perfect, just what I needed this morning 🙏🏼

Really interesting, lots of food for thought. I have so many ideas buzzing around in my head! Thank you Mark 🙏🏼

Commented on Om Mani Pade Hum

Apr 02 at 08:58 PM

So beautiful… 🪷

Yes, as you say, yoga is complicated! I’m enjoying learning more about the history and philosophy, but it is a lot to unpack!

Thanks that was lovely 🙏🏼