Alison Brown

Invermere, Canada

Commented on Nature Yin

Oct 29 at 10:16 AM

That you Nicole. I really like this sequence. The length of the class can fit in anywhere. I also enjoyed having no music at all.

Commented on New Morning Meditation

Oct 29 at 08:56 AM

Juan, both my cat Zack and I enjoyed this morning meditation. He is going to go back to sleep and I am going to deep clean my bedroom. I appreciate your explanation of the exhalation as grounding, rather than as a part of the breath that eliminates something unwanted. Thank you.

Oct 29 at 08:35 AM

Angela, Thank you for leaving us in savasana.

Oct 22 at 05:24 PM

I love Andrea's calm and gentle cuing along with many moments of silence. The sequencing is smooth and progresses in a way that makes sense to my body.

Commented on Kundalini Yoga

Oct 21 at 04:09 PM

Kundalini, a class I rarely practice! Thank you, Emily

Commented on Move & Breathe Vinyasa

Oct 19 at 02:27 PM

Beautiful flow! Perfect for the middle of my afternoon. Thank you Juan.

Commented on Mindful Vinyasa

Sep 26 at 03:02 PM

Thank you Nancy for my new favourite cue..."moving to the rhythm of your breath" love it!

Commented on Pure Bliss Restorative

Sep 25 at 08:37 PM

Beautiful class Emily, Thank you. 

Commented on 2nd Chakra Hatha

Sep 23 at 11:50 AM

Thank you  Emily. I love the amount of cuing, just enough cuing and just enough silence.

Commented on Root Chakra Hatha

Sep 23 at 11:28 AM

Thank you Nancy. I love the pace of your classes and your sequencing.