Alison Brown

Invermere, Canada

Jan 27 at 08:30 PM

Hi Mark, I am a water person. My first choice is being IN the ocean swimming, floating or treading. If I am not near the ocean, I will settle for a lake. Fortunately, I live on a lake. When I am hiking, the hike needs to culminate at a lake where I can swim or at least get my feet wet. I am like a fish out of water. If I am near water, but I can't access the water, it's unbearable. Maybe it is the support of the water and lack of gravity. Maybe it is the silence when I am under water...

Commented on Warm Heart Vinyasa

Nov 13 at 12:49 PM

Thank you Nancy. I love your classes.

Commented on Yin for Freedom

Nov 10 at 07:03 PM

Thank you Andrea. Lovely class.

Commented on Moving Pranayama

Nov 10 at 05:20 PM

Thank you Tammy. You shared a lot of great ideas for those morning bodies.

Commented on Soothing Restorative

Nov 09 at 09:28 PM

Thank you Emily. I appreciate your uncomplicated guidance followed by long held pauses. Restorative indeed!

Commented on Breath & Body Hatha

Nov 05 at 09:20 PM

Nancy. I love this gentle flowing class. I have added this one to my favourites.

Nov 02 at 03:52 PM

Hello Mark, Thank you for this peaceful meditation retreat. Your gentle voice along with long periods of silence are the perfect mix, creating a peaceful 20 mins. in the middle of my day. 

Commented on Letting Go Yin Yoga

Nov 01 at 10:08 AM

Thank you Andrea. I love the quote you shared from Deborah Adele of the bird on a perch...perfect.

Commented on Connection Meditation

Nov 01 at 08:40 AM

Thank you Ally. I am ready for my day.

Commented on Happy Hips Yin

Oct 29 at 08:24 PM

Thank you Joanna. This is the way I ended my day. Wonderful.