Alison Brown

Invermere, Canada

Commented on Peak Pose Vinyasa

Jul 28 at 11:07 AM

I have never attempted baby grasshopper. The progression into the posture made the posture within reach for me. Thank you.

Jul 28 at 10:02 AM

I love Andrea's classes, her voice, the pace, the progression and the flow. Thank you.

Commented on Smooth Vinyasa

Jul 23 at 06:56 PM

Really great class. Excellent. I love to twist. Thank you

Commented on Mindfulness Hatha

Jul 22 at 06:43 PM

Beautiful setting for a beautiful class. Thank you Salla.

Commented on Open Heart Vinyasa

Jul 22 at 03:09 PM

Beautiful progression through this flow. Thank you.

Commented on Slow Crow Vinyasa

Jul 22 at 01:56 PM

This class has a graceful flow from posture to posture. The pace is calming and consistent. The steps toward the peak pose make sense and are purposeful. Thank you

Commented on Flying Splits Vinyasa

Jul 21 at 05:10 PM

Juan, I love the pace of this class. Your cuing is encouraging, though I need more time to build the strength for these arm balances. Thank you.

Commented on Arm Balance Vinyasa

Jul 21 at 03:41 PM

Wow Ricky, good one! I love the pace. And your cuing is right on. Great challenges for someone (me) who normally shies away from arm balances.Thank you.