Jennifer Pippin

Apr 04 at 03:51 PM

Thank you Mark, I enjoyed that flow. 

Thank you Salla, I enjoyed this class.

Thank you Salla, I enjoyed that grounding earth practice. It was quite peaceful.

Commented on Yin Yoga at the Wall

Mar 25 at 04:06 PM

Thank you for this lovely practice today Becky.

Commented on Sequence for Shoulders

Mar 18 at 10:58 AM

Thank you Nancy, I often get tight in my shoulders/neck area that was a great quick sequence.

Commented on Slow Flow Vinyasa

Mar 13 at 02:50 PM

Thank you Angela for this wonderful flow class today :-)

Commented on Bedtime Hatha

Mar 11 at 07:57 PM

Thank you Mark for this lovely evening practice for winding down before sleep.

Mar 10 at 11:45 AM

Thank you Mark, this is what I needed today, have been feeling off, tired, and anxious the past couple of days, this has truly been restful and restorative. I needed to slow down for sure today and not do too much. Will come back to this one when I need to relax and rest.

Lovely hip opening practice, thank you Mark :-)

Mar 05 at 03:16 PM

Thank you Joanna for this lovely and calming meditation today.🫶