Juan Villegas

Medellin, Colombia

Replied on Beginner Pilates

Jul 02 at 08:09 PM

Thank you Deborah! happy to hear you are practicing with Pilates as well!

Hi Erica, so sweet you were able to practice with your son. We are so lucky to have Suzy be part of our community here at Your Yoga Flow. 

Hi Estelle, so great you enjoyed this practice with Salla!!

Replied on Hatha for Joints

Jul 02 at 07:44 PM

yayyy so great to hear Laura!!!

Jul 02 at 07:43 PM

So glad you tried it Deborah, we want to bring more functional movement to our library of classes and this is definitely outside of what our students might be use to. Happy to hear you enjoyed it and that you got to spend some time with your granddaughter as a result of it. 

Jun 29 at 08:44 AM

yay glad you enjoyed it Jennifer!!

Replied on Hatha For Hips

Jun 29 at 08:43 AM

Happy to hear you enjoyed it Jennifer! 

Jun 29 at 08:43 AM

Hi Dawn, so great it was what you needed after your bike ride! 

Replied on Back Care | Basics

Jun 28 at 12:26 PM

Thank you for practicing with Nancy, Jason!


Jun 28 at 12:25 PM

Glad you enjoyed it Wai-Ling and I hope you feel better soon!!