Mark Atherton

Bogota, Colombia

Replied on Triangle Pose

Aug 01 at 10:39 AM

Thanks Rebecca, we will pass your comment along to the tech team :).

Replied on Intro to Chanting

Jul 26 at 10:57 AM

Thank you so much Maylyn!!!!

Jul 25 at 06:53 AM

So happy you enjoyed this sequence Manjulaben!

Jul 24 at 05:02 PM

So glad you enjoyed this class!

So great you gleamed some useful insights as you took this class Deborah! I can understand the difficulty with locust pose! As the student in this recording i can remember how challenging it was for me! :) I love reading your comments and hearing your insights!

Replied on Mindful Meditation

Jul 24 at 08:09 AM

Thank you Mia! It means so much that you took the time to share how this mediation helped you!

Replied on Om Mani Pade Hum

Jul 24 at 08:09 AM

Thank you so much! It always warms my soul to hear that the music we create can connect to people! :)

Replied on Yin for Freedom

Jul 24 at 08:08 AM

What a great way to begin a day Katrina! I'm so glad this class with Andrea helped you start the day off right!

Jul 23 at 02:58 PM

Hi Anibe! These practices are on-demand, allowing you the flexibility to integrate them into your day at your own pace. :)


Wow! Amazing! I'm so glad you've been enjoying this experience with Juan! :)
