October 07, 2023
• Edited (Oct 07, 2023)

As the Thanksgiving weekend approaches in Canada, I wanted to take a moment for us all to reflect on the importance of gratitude and self-care in our journey as yoga practitioners.

This time of year is not only about turkey feasts and fun with family and friends, but it's also an opportunity for us to tap into the true spirit of thanks and appreciation for what yoga brings into our lives. So, let's pause, breathe, and share our thoughts on how this beautiful practice has influenced our overall wellness.

What are you most grateful for when it comes to your yoga journey? Has yoga helped transform your health, both physically and mentally? Have any particular teachings or mantras had a significant impact on your daily life outside the mat?

The intention behind this conversation is to create a space where we can collectively celebrate the power of yoga in cultivating calmness, inspiration, relaxation, motivation, and encouragement within ourselves.

Feel free to share your personal reflections, stories of growth, or any tips you've learned along the way that have enhanced your practice as either a yoga student or a teacher. We all have something unique to contribute!

Let's use this thread as an uplifting reminder of why we choose to embrace yoga in our lives while fostering connection with fellow practitioners who understand its profound effects.