October 25, 2023

Hello CommUNITY!

I hope you're all having a great day and finding some time for some self-care.

In today's post, let's dive into the wonderful world of mobility, and how it can greatly benefit our health and wellness journeys.

Mobility exercises are not just for professional athletes or bodybuilders—they are beneficial for everyone, especially those who practice yoga. They can help improve your flexibility, enhance your overall movement patterns, and prevent injuries.

Why is mobility important? By focusing on mobility exercises, we can increase our range of motion, activate dormant muscles, improve posture, and even relieve tension in our bodies. Incorporating these exercises into our daily routine will allow us to move with ease and experience a sense of freedom both on and off the yoga mat.

This wonderful Joint Freeing practice with Nancy is a fabulous way to incorporate a short mobility routine into your daily life!

Wishing you all well!


Joint Freeing Hatha

Prepare your body for practice with Nancy in this short and...