September 21, 2023

Hello Lovelies!

As the Autumn Equinox approaches, it's an ideal time to embrace the season and reflect on our practice.

For many of us, autumn brings a tranquil and serene energy that perfectly aligns with our yoga journey. The changing leaves and crisp air seem to coax us into a state of peacefulness and revitalization.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting your yoga path, I invite you to share in the beauty of the Autumn Equinox together. Let's use this opportunity to connect with one another, inspire each other, and deepen our yoga practice.

How does the transition from summer to fall affect your practice? Do you find yourself craving grounding poses like balasana (Child's Pose) or focusing on balance postures like vrksasana (Tree Pose) to restore harmony as nature shifts around us?

Let's discuss how incorporating elements of nature into our yoga practice during this equinox can help us embrace calmness, introspection, and adaptability – much like the changing seasons themselves.

Share any inspiring rituals or practices you have experienced during this time of year. Maybe you find solace in outdoor sessions surrounded by autumn foliage, or maybe you incorporate gratitude journaling into your practice.

Whatever it may be, let's celebrate the autumn equinox through intention-setting, breath-work exercises, or inspirational readings – something that resonates deeply within our hearts and souls.

By coming together as a community, yoga practitioners, we can support each other and encourage personal growth as we deep dive into our yoga journeys during this special season.

So dear yogis, how do you plan to honour the upcoming autumn equinox on your mat? Let's uplift each other with calming words and insightful experiences that will motivate us in every savasana shared under cozy fall blankets.
