Robin Louwrier

Johannesburg, South Africa

Yoga teacher. 64 years old. Teaching a group of "aging" students between 58 and 83 years old.

Dear Salla, yes, I incorporate "sticks". I use aluminum tubes that are 2 metre long, diameter 25mm, they weigh about 0.5kg so a good solid tube and not to heavy. Only for poses were students need to stretch their arms like i.e. in warrior II. My older students find it difficult to stretch their arms for longer periods and the tube support their arms. Their overall leg strength is good but the arms and shoulders don't last that long. Now they can also enjoy a longer period in a warrior pose or a chair pose with stretched arms to the side.  I picked this up watching a clip from India where they used sticks for additional support.  

A very interesting session. I am a 64 year old yoga teacher which means that all of my students have a "certain" age, the oldest is 83. Yin yoga for that reason is therefor the preferred choice. I use a lot of props, blocks, straps, bolster and sticks to support my aging audience. Watching this session made me aware that I need to communicate better and explain why a certain prop is used and its benefits. For me this was my aha moment. Also the grey area between Yin yoga and restorative yoga I need to explore more to have a better understanding between the two. Thank you Salla for a very interesting session.