Faustine Pariente

Hi Salla ! Thank you for your answer. (Sorry for my English, I understand it quite well, but i don't know if my written English will be ok ...) I found your video very exciting, and I think it really deserves to be developed :) I would like very much to learn which poses are best for children or teenagers; what sequencing to offer; wich accessories are suitable, what is the ideal duration of a course... I really hope my English is not too bad! Thanks again for this exciting video !

Bonjour ! J'ai adoré ce cours, qui me confirrme dans mon envie de me former à ce type de public. Y'aura-t-'il une autre master class sur ce sujet ? Merci pour ce partage ! 

Ce cours est une mine d'informations concrètes, notamment sur l'assistance pratique. Il est juste indispensable ! Tout est clair et bien développé. Merci infiniment ! 

Commented on Hatha Foundations 1

May 08 at 09:31 AM

Lovely class ! I feel so peaceful,  thank you !