Emily Sulzle

Lincoln, NE, United States

Mark Atherton - it's right at 40:00. Google helped me out: "Yoga citta vritti nirodhah." Beautiful.

Also, could you please spell out that mantra?

I’ve read the Sutras a few times, but your conversational perspective was so helpful in providing context! Thank you!!

I teach chair yoga at an assisted living facility; this content really answered questions I hadn’t quite been able to articulate, and provided tools that will be helpful. Thank you.

I wanted to reiterate the importance of slowing down the practice. Finding a pace that works for your clients is so important!!!

I love the guidance to sync your breath with the student’s. Thank you.

I teach a lot of tween yoga - this really resonates with my experience. You talked about staying in one’s role; one thing I’ve found is that when you give this age group a safe space, they often open up and it’s important to be able to give healthy, meaningful answers to their questions. It may be out of the scope of my practice, but my coloring meditation with my students this afternoon will be a feelings wheel. I anticipate conversation around the power of naming feelings.