Maria Fernanda Munoz Lopez

Thank you, Salla, for such an insightful session! I really appreciated the way you explained the integration of philosophy, energy medicine, and Western medicine. Even though I don’t have much experience in this area yet, your session has inspired me to explore how yoga can help access and work with energy medicine. I look forward to deepening my understanding and applying these ideas in my own practice.

Thank you, Salla, for such a thought-provoking session! I really enjoyed your reflections on the use of props in Yin yoga and found your insights incredibly valuable. Your balanced approach to offering modifications while maintaining access to the Yin state was eye-opening. It gave me a lot to think about in terms of how I approach props in my own teaching. I’m excited to explore these ideas further in my classes.

Thank you, Mark, for such an inspiring session! Chanting and music have always been close to my heart, and your insights gave me the confidence to start incorporating them into my yoga classes. I’m especially drawn to Kirtan and Bhakti, and I feel energized to explore these practices further. Your tips were incredibly helpful, and I’m excited to begin this journey.

Thank you! You gave me a lot of ideas to implement

Salla, thank you so much for the workshop. It was incredibly insightful for me. I recently started my teaching career and decided to pursue it part-time. Like you, I have multiple interests and want to dedicate my time to each one to grow both, professionally and spiritually, including my yoga practice. Your questions helped me realize that teaching one class per day, along with my daily practice, is manageable and fulfilling for me. I have started teaching online classes and it's also going well. In addition to teaching Yoga, I am pursuing a master's degree in marketing and e-commerce, which I believe will complement my next career move. I aim to start an online yoga shop where I can offer classes and products, combining my passion for yoga, marketing, and business to create a sustainable living for my family. Thank you for your inspiring session. I  truly enjoyed listening to and learning from you. 

Be blessed. 

Thank you Mark! I really appreciate you and your teachings. 

Very informative! I’ve never taught to teenagers but your lecture made me  want to give it a try. Also, you have a very sweet voice. Thanks 🙏🏼 

Thank you for the engaging and informative class.

I have a question: Occasionally, I'm unable to attend the live streaming sessions on the designated day, but I can catch up later. I'd like to confirm if watching the recorded sessions later still counts towards the required live session hours for certification.

Thank you in advance!