
Hello Joyce Regina Kouwenhoven and Christina Dawson Thank you for your feedback and request for more on this topic! I have noted this and will design a session around this subject in our next round of live development recordings this summer. Wishing you both a beautiful week and thank you for sharing your interests and inspired energy!


Commented on Smooth Vinyasa

Apr 19 at 01:43 AM

So lovely Mark Atherton - thank you for this practice ✨


Commented on Padmasana Flow

Apr 10 at 03:21 AM

Such a great practice for the morning! Thank you so much Juan Villegas!

Thank you Mark Atherton and Diego 💫☺️

Commented on Be True to You Hatha

Mar 26 at 01:43 PM

That was delicious 🩷 Thank you Joanna

Mar 15 at 01:21 PM

Thank you Angela Inglis - such a releasing sequence. Thoroughly centering.


Thank you for sharing this practice Richard G - have a beautiful day and see you again soon!


Thank YOU for sharing that Monica Cid Nobre. Am I crying? Yes. Tears of joy! I too find this phrase is a beautiful reminder we are all connected. Have a beautiful day and I know we all here at Your Yoga Flow so enjoy when we get to share and reflect after a practice. Thank you for taking the time to leave your reflection. See you again soon!


Commented on Energizing Vinyasa

Feb 12 at 02:49 AM

Thank you Angela Inglis - energising is exactly the right world. Buzzing prana from head to toe. Grateful for your grounding and inspiring teaching style.


Commented on Solar Plexus Flow

Feb 09 at 02:32 AM

Such a great class. Got my core ready for the day ahead. Thank you Juan Villegas